tips for a sustainable beauty routine tips for a sustainable beauty routine

5 Tips for a More Sustainable Beauty Routine

True beauty is not only skin-deep. If you want to make sustainable choices, this article will show you how to create a sustainable beauty routine.

Climate change is bringing buzzwords such as "sustainable," "organic," and "environmentally friendly" into architecture, art, cosmetics, and most recently, skincare. Today, more and more consumers are opting for eco-friendly products to reduce their negative impact on the environment.

A more sustainable beauty routine can help reduce your carbon footprint and protect the environment, particularly the ocean, where roughly 11 million metric tons of plastic flow into each year.

5 Main Tips for a More Sustainable Beauty Routine

If you want to join the growing movement towards a more sustainable future, this article will teach you how to create a more environmentally friendly beauty routine.

1. Switch from cotton pads to reusable makeup remover pads.

Cotton swabs and makeup remover pads are made with plastic sticks, and daily use can quickly add up to a lot of plastic waste. Additionally, when cotton is not sourced organically, the chemicals produced can pollute the environment and harm wildlife. Since conventional cotton wool pads are widely available, most people don't really consider the environmental impact of using them daily.

It's preferable to use reusable cotton pads or organic cotton swabs. To reuse, simply wash them in warm water with natural soap. Consider also switching to bamboo alternatives that are sustainably sourced. Organic cotton swabs such as bamboo swabs are preferable to plastic swabs. The next step would be to abandon cotton entirely in favor of a washable makeup removal cloth.

This will save you not only money but also the environment.

2. Recycle or repurpose containers.

The global cosmetics industry alone produces approximately 120 billion units of packaging per year. This includes cardboard boxes, paper inserts, tubes, bottles, and palettes of various sizes. Mirrored glass and plastic pumps, for example, can make it difficult to recycle beauty packaging.

While you can't always avoid using products with packaging, you can limit the use of excess plastic and protect the ocean by recycling and reusing empty product containers whenever possible.

Many stores offer incentives when you return your empty packaging for recycling. You can also look for businesses that promote recyclable packaging or have products that come in glass bottles or pouches or containers with pop-out holders so you can reuse them and request a refill.

3. Don't leave the water running.

Turn off the sink or shower whenever possible, such as when you're lathering on a facial cleanser or smothering your skin with a body scrub. Just a few seconds here and there already helps save water and the environment. You can also opt to wash your face with a damp microfiber washcloth and use cold water to save energy.

Every drop counts, and using water-saving techniques diverts less water from rivers, bays, and estuaries, which helps keep the environment healthy. It can also lower the cost of water and wastewater treatment and the energy required to treat, pump, and heat water.

4. Support brands committed to green beauty.

Look for sustainable skincare products that are a part of the growing consciousness against climate change. While it's true that beauty brands whose ingredients are organically sourced and paraben-free have been dominating the market due to it not only being good for the skin but also for the environment, there is more that they can do to be sustainable.

They can offer multi-purpose products for an eco-friendly beauty routine, as the less stuff you buy and own, the less waste you produce. They can also use refillable or recyclable containers and plastic-free solutions, reduce packaging, or even go completely packaging-free.

Garnier goes above and beyond with their green initiatives. For instance, with every purchase of Garnier's Vitamin C All-Star Kit, a customer can donate one mangrove seedling to CORA (Communities Organized for Resource Allocation) Philippines' WoMangrove Warriors Initiative. Garnier is also a cruelty-free beauty brand that aims to protect both wildlife and the environment.

5. Look out for the sea.

Being environmentally conscious entails considering how a product is made and the journey after it is used. Some skincare products such as lotions, face scrubs, sunscreen, and exfoliants may contain chemicals or components harmful to the oceans, such as plastic microbeads.

Plastic microbeads pass through wastewater treatment plants and into the ocean, where they are eaten or absorbed by marine life because they are microscopic. As these tiny plastic beads are mostly made of polyethylene or other petrochemicals, they are especially harmful to marine life.

Examine the ingredients of your beauty products to see if they contain minerals such as non-nano zinc oxide instead of reef-harming chemicals. Use exfoliants, lotions, or toothpaste that contain non-toxic, biodegradable ingredients rather than plastic microbeads.


Go Green, Think Green

If you are conscious about the products and ingredients you buy, you can truly practice sustainability in your beauty and skincare routine. While all these tips may seem overwhelming, it all boils down to practice.  Always check a product's ingredients to see if they're sustainable, and actively practice the three Rs: Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. With this system in mind, you will never go wrong.

Are you looking for a tried-and-true beauty brand? Garnier is the world's leading natural beauty brand committed to Green Beauty. Aiming to positively impact the environment, Garnier products are made cleaner, greener, and accessible. This 2021, Garnier has taken their green initiatives up a notch with the #OneGreenStep campaign to help customers take that first step in making the planet greener. In addition, all Garnier products are also officially cruelty-free since March 2021. 

Check the Garnier website to see how this beauty brand is making sustainable beauty products accessible to all!