best skincare for acne acne-prone skin best skincare for acne acne-prone skin

The Best Skincare Routine for Acne-Prone Skin: A Definitive Guide

Are you losing confidence in your acne-prone skin? Follow these tips and learn how to make the best skincare routine for clear and healthy skin.

For as long as anyone can remember, acne has been one of the most common skin problems that frustrate anyone. Depending on the severity of the case, some people have a harder time than others when trying to treat this problem and clear up their skin. Luckily, there are many skincare solutions to help solve acne problems once and for all.

While some routines may be more complicated than others, taking care of your skin doesn't need to be intimidating. Having an ideal routine can take a few minutes of your time each night or morning. At the same time, you also won't need to worry about finding the best face wash for acne and spending much of your hard-earned money for it to work.

With the right type of skincare regimen by your side, you can effectively remove the common issues that cause acne and keep your skin glowing and healthy. For more information on how you can build the best daily routine for your acne-prone skin, use the infographic below for a quick guide.

Info 8 Infographic

What is Acne?

This skin problem appears when your skin gets blocked by hair, sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Acne can come in different forms—blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, etc. Everyone can get breakouts, but teenagers are more commonly at risk.

Leading Causes of Acne

1. Excess oil (sebum) production
Sebum production carries dead skin cells through the follicles of the skin, which can get blocked. When these particles clump together, you are at greater risk of getting acne.

2. Bacteria

Bacteria can infect your skin and cause unwanted buildup, leading to skin problems such as acne. 

3. Hormonal changes

Acne is common among teenagers as they experience continuous changes in their hormones. When hormones stimulate the glands, the body produces more oil that can block the pores and cause breakouts.

4. Picking or prodding on acne sores or lesions

Picking on your acne can worsen them and cause permanent scarring. You also rupture the surrounding skin, which can make pimples worse.

5. Certain medications

Steroids, lithium, and some medicines containing ingredients like insulin can affect your body chemically and lead to acne.

6. Menstrual cycles 

For women, their monthly cycle can cause hormonal changes. Estrogen and progesterone levels drop, triggering the sebaceous glands and increasing their risk of breakouts.

7. Cosmetic products

Sharing makeup and failing to clean your brushes regularly can cause a buildup of bacteria. Not properly washing makeup off before going to bed at night can also be a culprit.

8. Smoking

While there is no direct link between the two, smoking can speed up skin aging and restrict your skin's healing time, making you more prone to acne.

9. Dry skin

People with dry skin produce more dead skin cells that can also block the pores. This makes it more likely to break open and collect bacteria.

10. Dietary habits

The foods you eat can affect your blood sugar level and hormones, leading to excess oil production. Certain foods have more risks of acne development, such as fast food.

11. Genetics

Certain hereditary traits can increase your chances of developing acne. For example, some people may experience an overproduction of dead skin cells that cause frequent breakouts.

The Best Skincare Routine for Acne

1. Gently cleanse your skin
A 3-in-1 Anti-Acne Cleanser can help you get rid of the grime and dirt that your skin collects throughout the day. Wash your face once during the day and night.

2. Use a toner
After washing, use a toner to remove any remaining traces of dirt and impurities that you may have missed. Garnier's Pure Active Toner contains salicylic acid, which reduces acne by exfoliating the skin and keeping pores clear.

3. Apply a non-greasy moisturizer 
Using a lightweight, non-greasy moisturizer such as the Bright Complete Yuzu Cream can hydrate your skin and remove patches of rough texture. This moisturizer is specially formulated to provide enough hydration without leaving the skin too oily or shiny.

4. Apply sunscreen for extra protection
Use a Matte Brightening Sunscreen over your moisturizer during the day to help protect your skin from UV ray damages. This can be reapplied as needed throughout the day for an extra dose of protection.

5. Use a face mask once or twice a week 
Products like a Pure Charcoal Face Mask can be an additional step you can take to give your skin the nutrients to stay healthy. This can be used in between your toner and moisturizer.

6. Exfoliate twice or thrice a week
Exfoliating helps you remove dead skin cells to improve the appearance of your skin. Use an exfoliating scrub twice or thrice a week for the best results.

Skincare Tips and Tricks for Acne-Prone Skin

1. Clean your face gently 
Towels and sponges can easily collect bacteria and dirt over time. When you use these on your face, you risk getting them trapped under your pores. Opt to use your fingers to massage the cleanser gently.

2. Don't over-exfoliate
Using too many products altogether like scrubs, toners, and peels every day can cause negative reactions in the skin that can make your acne worse. Never use more than the recommended dosages on the bottle.

3. Keep your hands off your face
Avoid touching your face after having your hands around surfaces or areas with dirt. You should also leave your zits alone and resist the temptation to pop them.

4. Wash your face after sweating
Your sweat can trap dirt and bacteria on your skin, which builds up in your pores. To avoid breakouts, make sure you wash sweat off with clean water.

5. Maintain a healthy diet
A proper diet promotes several skin benefits that will keep it looking smooth and healthy. Look for foods high in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, etc.

6. Limit your sun exposure
Overexposure to the sun may cause your skin to dry and flake. When going out, remember to stay shaded and use sunscreen.

7. Know your skin type
Knowing your skin type can help you pick out products that best suit your skincare needs.

8. Moisturize regularly
Use the right, non-greasy moisturizer during the day or night to prevent your skin from going dry and experiencing breakouts.

9. Use over-the-counter treatments
Some OTC treatments can help boost the effects of your regular skincare routine. Products such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are commonly used. 

10. Drink your water
Drinking enough water every day can keep your skin looking healthy and free of problems. At the same time, it also promotes other health benefits.

11. Limit your makeup
Do not layer too many makeup products because they can lead to pore blockage and cause acne. At the same time, always make sure that your brushes and tools are cleaned regularly and that you wash off the makeup before going to bed.

12. Reduce stress
Chronic stress can cause chemical and hormonal imbalances in your body that speed up your sebaceous glands. When you don't manage your stress properly, you risk making your skin problems worse. 

13. Use lukewarm water
Avoid using excessively hot water around your face to prevent drying it out. When washing with a cleanser, it's always best to use cold or lukewarm water instead.

The Road to Healthy Skin

Having clear skin doesn't need to be overly complicated or expensive. With the proper guidance and skincare routine, even the most acne-prone skin can see better days ahead.

Find the right products in the Garnier shop today and enjoy a wide selection of skincare goods that can help you treat every concern you have!